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Ecstatic Dance DJ Facilitator Training Goa India

In Person – 4 Day Ecstatic Dance DJ Facilitator Training 2023- 2024 Goa India
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School With Samaveda International Sound Healing Academy – Offers 4 Days Ecstatic Dance DJ Facilitator Training In Goa, India

Join Amazing Training With Passionate Ecstatic Dance Dj & Meditation & Sound Healing Masters In Arambol Beach Goa, India (Only 2 Trainings Per Year)
(Arambol Beach Which A Heart of Ecstatic Dance Events in Asia)

  • 4 Days – Ecstatic Dance DJ Facilitator Training Goa India
  • Training Hosted By: Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School & Samaveda International Sound Healing Academy
  • Saturday 20th January till Tuesday 23rd January 2024.(Location Arambol Goa)
  • Location: Anahata Yoga Hall, Hotel Arambol Arbour, Arambol beach, Goa
  • Link for Photo of Our A/C Meditation Hall & Rooms Accommodation – Photo Gallery

Are you ready to take your DJ skills to the next level and become a master of ecstatic dance music? Our training program is designed for DJs of all levels who want to learn how to create and play music that will inspire movement and connection on the dance floor.

Our instructors are experienced DJs and ecstatic dance facilitators who have years of experience in the industry. They will guide you through the process of learning how to create and play music that will move your audience and help them to connect with themselves, each other, and the music.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your DJing to the next level and become a sought-after ecstatic dance DJ. Sign up for our training program today and start your journey to becoming a master of ecstatic dance music.

Who Can Join 4 Days Ecstatic Dance DJ Training In Arambol Beach, Goa India

Our training program is designed for DJs of all levels, from beginners to experienced DJs looking to expand their skills and knowledge in the field of ecstatic dance music.

  • This Training is suited for everybody (both beginners or experienced DJs) interested in Conscious/Ecstatic Dance, (movement), space holding, ceremony, community, social change and embodiment practices.
  • Yoga Meditation Teachers, Sound Healers, Musicians, Alternative Healers, Energy Practice Therapist, Breath work Therapist Or Shamanic Healers or Cacao ceremony facilitators.
  • If you have already experienced holding small or large groups through transformational experiences, you want to add beautiful musical journeys.
  • Dance Teachers Or Passionate Dance: In-person Ecstatic Dance DJ training is not limited to DJs alone. If you have a deep love for dance and want to gain a better understanding of how music and movement intersect, this training can provide valuable insights and knowledge that can enhance your dance practice.
  • You learn for a booming alternative dance and music scene in your community, and YOU want to be part of creating some beautiful energy.

Why Should You Join In Person – 4 Days Ecstatic Dance DJ facilitator Training In Goa India

Training In The Heart Of Ecstatic Events In India –
Arambol Beach Goa Is The Heart of Ecstatic Dance Events & Festivals of Ecstatic Dance, Yoga Meditation, Tantra & Dance Festivals In India

Authentic connection: Joining in-person Ecstatic Dance DJ training allows you to experience the power of authentic human connection. Dancing in a physical space with others creates a unique bond and energy that cannot be replicated online.

Immersive learning: In-person training offers an immersive learning experience where you can fully engage with the teachings, techniques, and feedback from instructors. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive personalized guidance, and learn through hands-on practice.

Transformative Energetic atmosphere: The vibrant atmosphere of an in-person Ecstatic Dance DJ training is contagious. Surrounded by like-minded individuals, you’ll be immersed in an energy-filled environment that enhances your learning and understanding of the dance form.

Real-time feedback: Interacting directly with instructors and fellow participants allows for real-time feedback on your DJing skills. This immediate feedback loop helps you refine your technique, improve your musical selections, and deepen your understanding of the dance experience.

Emotional expression: Ecstatic Dance is a deeply emotional and expressive art form. Being physically present in the space allows you to fully embody the music, connect with your emotions, and express yourself authentically through movement.

Collaboration & Networking opportunities: In-person training provides excellent networking opportunities. You’ll have the chance to connect with DJs, dancers, and other professionals in the field, fostering relationships that can lead to collaborations, gigs, and further growth in your DJ career.

Community building: Ecstatic Dance communities thrive on the bonds formed between dancers and DJs. In-person training offers a unique opportunity to connect with fellow dancers, share experiences, and build a sense of belonging within the community.
Live performance experience: In an in-person training, you may have the opportunity to showcase your skills by performing live in front of a supportive audience. This experience helps you gain confidence, test your DJing abilities, and refine your stage presence.
Personal growth: Engaging in an in-person training environment provides a powerful space for personal growth. As you navigate the challenges, receive feedback, and expand your skills, you’ll also develop resilience, self-awareness, and confidence.

Cultural immersion: Ecstatic Dance is influenced by various musical styles and cultural traditions. Attending in-person training allows you to immerse yourself in the cultural richness of the dance form, learn about its roots, and explore different music genres.

Inspiration and motivation: Surrounding yourself with passionate dancers and talented instructors during an in-person training can be highly inspiring and motivating. The collective energy and shared enthusiasm will fuel your own creativity, pushing you to reach new heights as a DJ.

Ecstatic Dance DJ Training In Goa India

A Unique Ecstatic Dance Training Where You Learn
How Prepare Ecstatic Dance Group With

  1. Transformative Sacred Sound Healing Meditation Techniques & Group Rituals.
  2. Learn Different Techniques For Body Energy Channels Practice.
  3. Guide Lines How to Connect Singing Bowls & Gongs Sound Healing With Ecstatic Dance Events.
  4. Learn How to Lead With Sacred Heart Opening Group Rituals Meditation Techniques. 
  5. Learn Short Dynamic Meditation Techniques For Group preparation.
  6. Learn How to Combine Ecstatic Dance With Cacao Ceremony.
  7. Guide Lines How to Connect Mantra Singing Circles to Ecstatic Dance Events.

What all covered in 4 Days Ecstatic Dance DJ Training In Arambol Beach, Goa India

  • Comprehensive lessons on the history and principles of ecstatic dance and how to create music that will enhance the experience.
  • Learn How to create & structural beautiful Ecstatic dance sets & all kinds of Ecstatic Dance Dj & Facilitator styles to provide a fulfilling experience for the participants on Master Traktor Dj.
  • Hands-on training on the technical aspects of DJing, including beatmatching, mixing, and using effects to create a seamless and dynamic flow
  • Access to a curated library of ecstatic dance music and guidance on how to find and incorporate new tracks into your sets
  • How to use your Dj controller.
  • Learn about the core principles of Ecstatic Dance, how to facilitate the Dance, how to create a fun, safe place for participants, how to find music, and how to organize that music.
  • How to lead the warm-up and closing circles differently and get plenty of exercises.
  • Learn how to set music on the laptop, especially to create Ecstatic dance sets.
  • Learn how to create dynamic variety in music mixing.
  • Learn How to create and hold sacred space.
  • Learn methods and genres to explore and become an inspiring DJ.
  • Learn the heart and the art of DJing so you can decide which skills to develop as a DJ. Our Training starts by listening, rooting ourselves in their story and understanding the various phases of the journey.
  •  You will discover various styles and types of music and their effect on the dancing body. We will dive into the practicalities and skills to create your own set, mix and improvise during a set – while listening to your crowd. 
  • Learn how to mix harmonically and use effects, loops, cueing, and creatively for the Ecstatic Dance wave and Cacao Ceremonies.
  • Learn How to market and brand yourself for success Plus, how to find gigs, market and brand yourself and create your tribe.

What Key Important Questions Related Dj Mixing Be Answered
During Ecstatic Dance DJ Training :

  1. What is the history and principles of ecstatic dance music?
  2. Why All DJs Should Know What Ecstatic Dance Is”
  3. What Is The Flow Of Ecstatic Dance?
  4. What kind of music is played at Ecstatic Dance?
  5. What are the Stages of Ecstatic Dance?
  6. How to Open Ecstatic Dance Event with Yoga Meditation & Sound Healing?
  7. What Type Opening exercises, Breathing Techniques, mantra Sound Healing practice Dance with Done with Prepare group for Deep Meditative Transforming Ecstatic Dance Experience? 
  8. How do I create music that will enhance the ecstatic dance experience?
  9. What are the technical aspects of DJing that I need to know?
  10. How do I use effects and create a seamless and dynamic flow in my sets?
  11. How can I develop my unique style and voice as a DJ & How can I find and incorporate new tracks into my sets?
  12. What kind of music can I learn to mix on a DJ controller?
  13. What equipment do I need to get started & What software is best for learning to DJ?
  14. What types of effects do DJs use?
  15. What is the best way to practice DJing?
  16. What techniques should I use to improve my DJing skills?
  17. How do I create a unique sound when DJing?
  18. What is harmonic mixing & What are the benefits of harmonic mixing?
  19. How does harmonic mixing work? & How can I use harmonic mixing to improve my mixes?
  20. What is the difference between harmonic mixing and key mixing?
  21. What are the most important tips for harmonic mixing & What are some common mistakes to avoid when harmonic mixing?
  22. How can I create interesting harmonic transitions between tracks? And More


Must Know Reason Why Ecstatic Dance is Deeply Transforming & Why Global Wellness World Therapist & Masters including About Ecstatic Dance Events & Trainings

Ecstatic Dance Gives Embodied expression: Ecstatic Dance encourages participants to move their bodies freely and expressively, allowing them to tap into their authentic emotions and release any stored tension or stress. This embodiment of movement can lead to a deeper sense of self-awareness and emotional release.

Self-discovery Through Ecstatic Dance: Through Ecstatic Dance, individuals have the opportunity to explore and discover aspects of themselves that may be hidden or suppressed. It offers a safe and non-judgmental space to explore personal boundaries, desires, and emotions, leading to self-discovery and personal growth.

Emotional Balance Or Emotional catharsis release Through Ecstatic Dance: The combination of dynamic music, free movement, and the release of energy in Ecstatic Dance can facilitate emotional catharsis. It provides a transformative space for processing and releasing emotions, which can lead to a sense of clarity, lightness, and emotional well-being.

Connection with others: Ecstatic Dance creates a sense of community and connection among participants. Dancing alongside others in a supportive and inclusive environment fosters a deep sense of belonging and connection, promoting social bonds and enhancing overall well-being.

Mind-body integration Through Ecstatic Dance: Ecstatic Dance encourages the integration of mind and body by bridging the gap between thought and physical expression. This integration can lead to a greater sense of wholeness and alignment within oneself.

Expanded consciousness Through Ecstatic Dance: Through the combination of music, movement, and intentional presence, Ecstatic Dance can induce altered states of consciousness. These states can bring about expanded awareness, spiritual insights, and a deep connection to something greater than oneself.

Stress reduction Through Ecstatic Dance: Engaging in Ecstatic Dance can help reduce stress and anxiety. The rhythmic movement, uplifting music, and freedom of expression provide an outlet for releasing tension and promoting a sense of relaxation and inner peace.

Increased vitality and energy & develop Creativity Through Ecstatic Dance: The physicality of Ecstatic Dance, coupled with the exhilarating music, can boost energy levels and enhance overall vitality. It serves as a rejuvenating practice that revitalizes both the body and the spirit.

Healing and integration Through Ecstatic Dance: Ecstatic Dance has the potential to facilitate healing on various levels. It can support the integration of past experiences, emotions, and traumas by providing a safe container for exploration, expression, and release.

Self-empowerment Through Ecstatic Dance: Engaging in Ecstatic Dance empowers individuals to take ownership of their bodies, emotions, and experiences. It encourages self-expression, self-acceptance, and the cultivation of inner strength and resilience.

Joy and celebration: Ultimately, Ecstatic Dance is a celebration of life, joy, and the freedom of expression. It allows individuals to tap into their innate capacity for joy, playfulness, and celebration, creating a sense of deep fulfillment and transformation.

Daily Schedule For 4 Full Days
For Ecstatic Dance DJ Facilitator Training

Healthy Vegetarian Breakfast 8:30  9:00
First Session (2 Hours) 9:00 11:00
30 Minutes Break 11:0 11:30
Second Session (2 Hours) 11:30 13:30
 Lunch & Rest Time 13:00 15:00
Third Session (2 Hours) 15:15 17:00
 Tea Break  17:00  17:30
Fourth Session
(1 Hour 45 minutes)

What Is Ecstatic Dance DJ Training?

In-person Ecstatic Dance DJ training typically encompasses a range of elements designed to provide participants with a comprehensive learning experience. Here are some points outlining what you can expect to find in an in-person Ecstatic Dance DJ training:

creating your unique style of the Ecstatic Dance journey. Ecstatic dance Dj & Facilitator training is a 4-day training weaving into a musical experience for Ecstatic and Mindful Dance. Everything will be covered which is needed for Ecstatic Dance, which you can share with others in your style from a place of service, playfulness and love!

Learning to create the Dance journey by mixing, transitioning, and selecting different genres is in service of the Dance. Creating a dance journey is not just about placing tracks one after the other; it is about helping the dancers arrive in their bodies, lifting them over the threshold and into a deep surrender. It also supports them in finding their feet again and moving back into their daily lives.

In Ecstatic Dance sessions, there are dance techniques or movement classes. They aim to provide a space of non-verbal communication and FREEDOM where you can be yourself and express your being through Dance and MOVEMENT. Music is a kaleidoscope of varied rhythms; it makes us float together in a sea of sensations as individuals of a large family. Ecstatic Dance is an international movement that aims to create COMMUNITY through Dance.

Technical instruction: The training will cover the technical aspects of DJing, including equipment setup, software operation, mixing techniques, beatmatching, and the use of effects. Participants will learn the fundamentals of DJing and gain hands-on experience with the necessary tools.

Music selection and curation: Ecstatic Dance DJ training emphasizes the art of selecting and curating music specifically for conscious movement. Participants will learn about different music genres and styles that are suitable for Ecstatic Dance events. They will explore how to create playlists that evoke various emotions, energies, and moods to guide dancers on their journeys.

Understanding the dance journey: In-person training will delve into the principles and philosophy of Ecstatic Dance. Participants will learn about the different stages of a dance journey, how to create an arc of energy, and how to hold space for dancers to explore and express themselves.

Creating energetic flow: Training will focus on creating a seamless and dynamic flow of music that supports the dance experience. Participants will learn how to transition between tracks, adjust tempo and energy levels, and maintain a consistent and engaging rhythm throughout a dance session.

Reading the crowd: Participants will develop skills in reading the energy and needs of the dancers on the floor. They will learn how to respond intuitively to the collective mood, adapt their music selections accordingly, and create a cohesive and responsive experience.
Ethical considerations: Ecstatic Dance DJ training often includes discussions on ethical considerations within the context of conscious dance events. Participants will explore topics such as consent, creating safe spaces, honoring cultural sensitivities, and maintaining a respectful environment for dancers.

Feedback and evaluation: Instructors and fellow participants will provide constructive feedback and evaluation throughout the training. This feedback loop helps participants refine their skills, deepen their understanding, and enhance their DJing abilities.
Performance opportunities: In some cases, in-person Ecstatic Dance DJ training may provide opportunities for participants to perform live in front of a supportive audience.

This allows DJs-in-training to gain real-world experience, receive feedback from dancers, and further develop their stage presence and confidence.

Collaboration and networking: In-person training fosters collaboration and networking opportunities with fellow DJs, dancers, and professionals in the Ecstatic Dance community. Participants can connect, share experiences, and build relationships that may lead to future collaborations and opportunities within the field.

Mindfulness and presence: Ecstatic Dance DJ training often emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and being fully present in the moment. Participants will learn techniques to cultivate a meditative state while DJing, allowing them to attune to the energy of the dance floor and create a transformative experience for dancers.

Integration and application: Throughout the training, participants will have opportunities to integrate their learning and apply their DJing skills in practical settings. This may include practice sessions, group exercises, and simulated dance events to gain hands-on experience in a supportive learning environment.

What Are Different Types of DJ Mixing Techniques:

  • Beatmatching: the process of matching the beats of two tracks in order to create a seamless transition between them
  • EQing: the use of equalization to balance and enhance the frequencies of a track
  • Loop Mixing: repeating a section of a track to create a loop, which can be used to create a new layer of sound.
  • Scratching: the use of turntable techniques to manipulate the sound of a track.
  • Sampling: the use of short clips or samples from one or more tracks in a new track.
  • Live Remixing: the use of software or hardware to manipulate and remix tracks in real-time during a performance.
  • Harmonic Mixing: matching the keys of two tracks to create a harmonious transition between them.

  • 4 Days – Ecstatic Dance DJ Facilitator Training Goa India
  • Training Hosted By: Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School & Samaveda International Sound Healing Academy
  • Saturday 20th January till Tuesday 23rd January 2024.(Location Arambol Goa)
  • Goa Location: Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School, Anahata Yoga Hall, Hotel Arambol Arbour, Arambol beach, Goa
  • Link for Photo of Our A/C Meditation Hall & Hotel Rooms Accommodation, Hotel has Swimming Pool as well. – Photo Gallery
  • What’s Included in Training: A/C Well Furnished Meditation Hall, Accommodation for 5 nights with Private Room with Double Bed and attached bathroom with hot water Shower, Extra night room accommodation charges extra. Every day morning healthy breakfast & lunch. 
  • Important Remainder Students Must have Laptop & Personal DJ Mixer or Dj ControllerAfter Booking ins Confirmed On Request by Students we can Suggest Right Controller & Buy it Get it Delivered in them for Training in Goa.
  • Regular Residential Course Price For Single Occupancy In Deluxe A/C Room : €1050 Euros –
  • Current Special Discount For Residential Course For Single Occupancy In Deluxe A/C Room Price €850 Euros.
  • Regular Non-Residential Course Price: €900 Euros.
  • Current Special Discount For Non-Residential Course Price: €750 Euros.
  • Special Discounted Non-Residential Price For Students From India –  Price 48000INR – Booking Confirmation Fee 10000 INR.
  • To book your seat – Booking fee first option – Funds transfer via Transferwise or second option funds transfer via Paypal –
  • Limited Seat Available – Write us email to find seat availability –



