Simple Easy Tantra Meditation Techniques Exercises For Beginners
Tantra Meditation For Individuals
A Step-By-Step Manual Guide Of 21 Psychic Chakra Tantra Breathing Meditation Techniques To Unfold Spiritual Well-Being By Integrating Body, Mind, Heart And Soul.
“Tantra Meditation for Individuals” is a valuable book by Shiva Girish that introduces you to the way of Tantra. Tantra is a way of life. It is a path of personal growth that embraces all aspects of life. The practice of Tantra can give you freedom on the level of the body, mind, heart and the soul.
This book provides you with a background about the subtle body, the nadis and detailed information on the seven energy centers (chakras). It contains proper guidelines what to do and what not to do, along with common sitting Asanas, Bandhas, Mudras. It introduces you to basic but profound tantric techniques like Psychic Chakra Tantra Breathing, that will open, heal and balance the chakras.
The techniques relate to emotional release, mental stability and connect the heart chakra to the other chakras so that you may see the different aspects of your being through your heart and compassion, instead of the judging mind.
Tantra is often misunderstood to be a sexual practice only. While it is true that there are beautiful practices including sexuality as well, in this book you will find practice that is focused on the individual and directing energies without sexual activity only.
Initially this book was written for Shiva’s students so that they can practice with proper guidelines without a teacher. It is designed to meet the needs of people in the modern world, as well as beginners, right through to yoga meditation teachers and therapists as a manual to guide them in their path of self transformation in daily lives.
Shiva Girish started his spiritual journey after leaving his home town in India ten years ago. Inspired by the ancient teachings of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra and Tantra Yoga, he has been conducting classes, workshops and training in various parts of India and abroad for the last four years.
“Tantra for Individuals” surely has the potential to transform anybody emotionally, mentally, physically, psychologically and spiritually is it is a journey into consciousness through the seven chakras. It is up to your own commitment and willingness to further deepen your practice so that you may achieve all of your dreams, desires and wishes in this life.
Where Does the Techniques Come From?
The innovative techniques from Tantra Meditation for Individuals were drawn from Kashmir Shaivism and from the “Fact and Understanding About the Seven Chakras.
What Does the Book Contain?
The Tantra Meditation for Individuals contains a compilation of different psychic Tantra Breathing Meditation techniques that has been practiced and used by old spiritual traditions in the world. It reveals vital information about the Seven Chakras and how they influence an individual towards spiritual evolution. This also entails information about how people can gain control over their wellbeing and health.
E-Books By Shiva Girish Now Available On
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